Hurricane Communications Preparedness Checklist

Be Ready When Disaster Strikes.

When a storm hits and primary and secondary communication systems are down, Expedition Communications is there to make sure that your team is ready. From satellite phones during the storm to flyaway systems after the storm ends, MobilSat has the equipment and the expertise that your team needs.

Preparation is just as important as the response- you must make sure that all of your equipment is ready to be deployed and that your team is properly trained on how to use the equipment. Once needed, there is no room for error. Make sure everything, and everyone, is ready before, during, and after the storm.

Hurricane Preparedness Questions

Common Emergency Communications Mistakes

The right equipment, the wrong training

No matter what kind of equipment you have, it means nothing if your team can’t operate it. Learn the ins and outs of your communications systems, and work with our technical support team to ensure proper operation. Test at least quarterly to ensure everything is in fine working order.

Cutting costs in years without storms

There is no way around it- emergency communication systems are, ideally, left unused. Though it may be tempting to reduce the budget by getting rid of something that hasn’t been touched in years, remember why you have it- and what could happen if you need it but no longer have it.

Waiting to call in the equipment order

When a storm is about to hit, we receive order requests that often deplete our inventory. Depending on how long you wait, there may be no more flyaway satellite antennas left or we may be unable to get them to you through the storm. Reserve your equipment early to avoid being left without.

In closing, it is not enough to have your equipment stored away and waiting for a rainy day. You must prepare in advance. If it has been a while since you examined the data plans on your hardware and/or you haven’t had your equipment serviced recently, reach out and talk with a team member.

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