Every SAILOR 900 VSAT antenna system comes factory-tested, equipped ready-togo with standardized top quality RF components (8W BUC, LNBs, OMT/diplexer) – and only one cable between antenna and below-deck. The antenna is shipped fully balanced, configured and does not need work prior to installation. This time and cost saving, plus the top RF performance make SAILOR 900 VSAT the most cost effective Ku-band antenna on the market to deploy.
The decision to install VSAT on a ship stems from the desire to have alwayson broadband connectivity at a simple flat rate fee. These networks are readily available from many providers (list upon request). Regardless of how and where you operate the SAILOR 900 VSAT, you can be confident of maximum availability because the system has several simple features to make sure your broadband connection is up, and stays up.
SAILOR 900 VSAT can operate two antenna systems on a single modem without the need for an extra box to manage that feature. This requirement arises when the vessel needs a satellite connection even when there are obstructions in the way. The two SAILOR antenna controllers manage the connection between satellite and modem.